No Shame, All Gain

We work out, we eat healthy, we go to the doctor when we don’t feel well. Why don’t we treat our minds and hearts with the same level of care? Why is mental health still not prioritized, especially amongst Asians, and why is there ANY negative stigma at all towards one of the BEST THINGS YOU CAN EVER DO FOR YOURSELF?

Therapy – No Shame, All Gain.

If listening to amazing mental help therapist Diana in this episode doesn’t make you realize how AMAZING therapists can be, this podcast host will shave her head.

Additional Resources from Diana

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: If you or someone you know is having thoughts of wanting to not be around, being better off dead, or wishing to hurt themselves, please do consider taking action and reaching out to a medical or mental health professional or calling the National Suicide Hotline or call 1-800-273-8255

National Domestic Violence Hotline: If you are experiencing violence and abuse at home, there are resources, safety ideas, and support available through the National DV Hotline or call 800.799.SAFE (7233) to maintain your digital privacy and safety. 

Asian Mental Health Collective is a great resource for FAQs, Asian American stories and experiences, and resources for getting connected to care.

Try online therapy on any of the various platforms out there now like Better Help,, or Talkspace,